Housing Justice Means Defunding Police


You might be wondering, “If we defund police, who will protect us in our homes?” Here’s the truth:

Police threaten our safety, even in our own homes

Too often, police violently intrude and kill people in their homes, including when they are asleep (e.g., Breonna Taylor in 2020).

Safety requires stable housing

When we have access to affordable, high-quality, and sustainable housing, we are less likely to experience violence, including emotional and sexual abuse. This is especially true for anyone in immediate danger where they sleep at night.

LGBTQ+ folks are especially housing vulnerable

LGBTQ+ people experience higher rates of poverty and homelessness. This destabilizes their lives, putting them at higher risk of facing violence, including police violence. It also makes them more likely to be jailed for just trying to survive (e.g. by selling drugs or engaging in sex work).

Evictions are violent

Everyone deserves a home, regardless of ability to pay rent. Yet when people can’t afford rent, DC and federal cops are called to violently enforce evictions. We’d all be safer if DC reallocated funds from MPD’s bloated budget to help people pay rent.

Unhoused folks are especially vulnerable to police violence

Cops routinely harass unhoused folks (85% of whom are Black) and violently clear encampments. This winter, the Mayor brought 35+ MPD cops to clear an encampment, instead of social workers who have relationships with unhoused folks. Meanwhile, a single MPD cop’s salary would end chronic homelessness for 3 of our DC neighbors.



Defund MPD Coalition