Our vision to reimagine safety centers a just three year transition from policing, and oppression to care and freedom.
Defund MPD formed in June 2020 and we are a Black-led multi-racial coalition of people and organizations in DC who share a common vision of a city without prisons and police. In 2020, there were 15,000+ public submissions on FY21 budget, 1,300+ letters of support demanding changes to the Fraternal Order of Police contract, and over 180 days of political education, protest, and street action. We were born out of the 2020 uprising, and although the climax has passed, we are still active, still engaged, still attentive. Our demand is time-bound to three years to encourage longer term investment from our coalition members, elected officials, and community organizations past the 2022 elections and the upcoming announcement of criminal legal reforms in the district. Our prospective goals are as follows:
Goal 1
Reduce the MPD’s budget by 50% ($273M) over the next three years.
Subgoal: Personnel
MPD hiring freeze;
Create a hard cap on overtime;
Encourage/incentivize furloughs and retirement;
Fire officers who violate civil rights;
End paid leave during disciplinary investigation.
Subgoal: Equipment
Ban MPD purchase of military-style, crowd-control and chemical weapons;
Ban MPD purchase of surveillance equipment;
Oversee disposal of existing problematic equipment.

Goal 2
Defund the Police - End Police involvement in community services.
End police contracts with non-emergency services including behavioral health.
Phase out and ultimately end police involvement in emergency response.
Zero police in schools.
End MPD role in traffic enforcement shift this responsibility to DDOT.

Goal 3
Invest in our community - Devote savings from MPD budget to community support.
Invest in non-police crisis 911 response center.
Increase existing funding and expansion for existing programs.
Increase funding for housing of communities in need.
Invest in trauma-informed support inside DCPS and charter schools.
Invest in good jobs and fair wages for DDOT employees.
Invest in a community-driven, alternatives to policing participatory research project.

Goal 4
Pass legislation to protect the community.
Pass legislation limiting police power and ban harmful and unethical police practices.
Pass legislation to end stop and frisk and jump outs.
Pass legislation banning harmful surveillance tools and tactics.
Pass legislation banning all use of chemical weapons under any circumstances.
Pass legislation preventing budget reprogramming for MPD budget overages.
Pass legislation making officers personally liable for lawsuits or settlements under $10k.
Pass legislation removing special treatment for officers who engage in misconduct.
Pass legislation preventing the FOP from interfering in fair discipline*
Decriminalize poverty, drugs, homelessness, sex work and street vending.
Release and protect incarcerated people with serious medical conditions, and address risk of COVID-19.

Goal 5
Call DC officials to lead bravely.
Vote “No” on any police budget increases over the next 3 years.
Give the community a seat at the table*
Pilot and promote community involvement through participatory budgeting.
Pilot and promote programs fostering community control of police surveillance.
Advocate year-round for budget reform.
Make a public commitment to take no police money for constituent services or re-election campaign.

It’s time to transition from policing and oppression to care and freedom.
Our communities deserve safety, accountability, and justice. Join us in reimagining safety and refunding our communities.